Friday 24 June 2011

22.06.11 Polaroid

The new show at the Westlicht Meseum of Photography in Vienna, named 'Polaroid [Im]possible' looks AMAZING! I absolutely love the novelty of instant film and was very disappointed when they discontinued the film for my Polaroid camera. The show consists of a range of Polaroid’s from Andy Warhol to Ansel Adams and represents over 40 years of Polaroid photography. Unfortunately Polaroid have no new plans to make more instant film and have started looking at instant digital printing, which to me has little to know novelty.  

Polaroid type 808 by Paul Huf 1977
Part of the 'Polaroid [Im]possible' show.

 The new polaroid digital portable printer.

Sunday 19 June 2011

19.06.11 Soft Spot

Everyone knows taking photos of your pets is considered 'lame' but I have such a soft spot for my dog and after spending hours of getting her to sit still for a photograph I got a few lovely images of her with my film camera. It sounds soppy but I really love her and as she gets older I want to make memories I will remember forever. I love my blind little poodle so much!

19.06.11 Matthew Eades

After my last post I started searching OnePhotographics webpages to find a inspiring photographer whose images have the same sort of aesthetic appeal that I am drawn too. When I found these certain fashion images by Matthew Eades I automatically linked them with a creepy mood, almost Burton in appearance and loved their dark and slightly unsettling feel.

I love the styling and the models unusual poses and expressions give the image a real odd feel which I think add to the appeal of the series.

18.06.11 Chloe Mallett

During my usual surfs across the web I recalled an image which had caught my attention at the time, flicking through a newspaper supplement on travel (dying for a exotic holiday!) on the front cover is a fashion photograph by Chloe Mallett. When I found her on the agency OnePhotographic's page I found some great images which have inspired me and put me in a summery mood.

I really love the hazy summer aesthetic to these images especially the more moody of the four, which is more of a portrait, which got me thinking about something I love doing which is portraits which have a dark undertone and gothic mood.